Nourish feminine health, balance hormones and soothe digestion through Ayurvedic wellness.
My services
Why Ayurveda?
- It goes to the root of the problem, treating a person as a whole instead of just
looking at a list symptoms. - Ayurveda has been used for thousands of years with proven benefits.
- It considers health and happiness as part of a persons wellbeing.
- Our treatments are based on holistic medicine and have no side effects.
- Ayurveda balances body, mind and emotions.
Grab your free Ebook and get started with Ayurveda.
Health is our greatest asset and Health and Healing starts with you.
So my vision is to share with you the rich wisdom of ancient Ayurveda in easy
and practical ways, adaptable to today's modern lifestyle.

W.G. Plein 451, 1054SH
KvK nummer: 62091689
BTW nummer: NL002463887B66
OPEN on appointment only